Saturday, February 11, 2012

Killer humidity at the BMX track

Yesterday I volunteered a few hours at the Townsville BMX track. I whipper-snipped for about three hours. Who needs the gym when you have a mowing business?

But it's ready now and I'm looking forward to the season starting again.

I qualified to compete in the Australian titles at Blue Lake, Mt Gambier in South Australia in April. Not sure if I'm going yet. I'd love to of course but I'll need to mow a heck of a lot of lawns between now & then to get there.

The season, which was due to have started at the beginning of the school year, has been delayed due to rain-damage to the track. Hopefully we'll be back riding in the next few weeks.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Coming home to a driveway of rain

Image by kymsmowing

Image, a photo by kymsmowing on Flickr.
I was lucky today. While it rained over most of Townsville, it was clear enough to mow at Kelso for the bulk of the day.

It was great to be able to get the properties down to a semi-respectable height today. Of course the trade-off with a wet mow is that the finish is less than perfect.

I'll only ever wet-mow when a client has given me approval beforehand and after I'm sure that they understand that the lawn will not be perfect afterwards.

Of course we love the rain... it's just that sometimes it really is a huge inconvenience.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where did Mt Stuart go?

Where did Mt Stuart go? by kymsmowing

Where did Mt Stuart go?, a photo by kymsmowing on Flickr.
Low lying clouds today mean it's hot, hot, hot ... and humid, humid, humid.

Welcome to a new year ahead

2011 has been pretty amazing as our small business has steadily grown from nothing but an idea.

I wish I'd taken a before and after shot, but believe me, this was a rainforest before we got it under control
We became official providers for the Townsville City Council's Home and Community Care (HACC) Home Maintenance Programme. It was a lot of work getting our application together but it is definitely worth it. I look forward to providing more services to our community in 2012.

We've learned so much about business in general as well as the seasonal nature of the mowing and lawn-care industry. 

In 2012 we hope to expand by focusing also on our Handy Services. I'll gradually develop a list of some of the types of jobs we can do. You can see the start of our list here.

I hope to spend some time early this year asking my existing clients for an evaluation of our Mowing Service to make sure that we are giving the best service we can.

Don't forget we are on Twitter, and very soon we'll have a Facebook Page and will also be on Google Plus. (Keep watching for updates)